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Group Projects

Tools & Technologies used to complete the group projects :

HTML CSS MySql BootStrap JavaScript API Materialize NodeJS Github Git MongoDB React Redux VSCode SQL Express MUI GraphQL


This page is desgined to showcase the group porjects that I worked on during the UNC coding BootCamp Certificate program.
Please click on each image for a live demo/Url of each project. I'AM Feeling app is a website that allows users find places locally that interests them based on their current mood or feeling. Rehab Connect is a website that allows addicts or former adicts to get help with any obstacles or struggles they go through. The site allows users to create an account and set milestones and connect with other users or the site admin. VodU is a place for people wanting to improve their gameplay, or share their clips from games. Users can create a post for a clip, and receive feedback or comments on the content they've watched. As the clip is watched, comments made at the exact time in the video will display next to the video to make reactions feel more real.

Group Projects' Screenshots & Links

I'AM Feeling App
Rehab App
VodU App
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Site designed by Taoufik A.

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