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Bootcamp Certificates:

Full Stack Web Development *** From UNC Chapel Hill University on 05/2021 to 11/2021

A 24-week intensive program focused on gaining technical programming skills in HTML5, CSS3, Javascript, JQuery, Bootstrap, Firebase, Node Js, MySQL, MongoDB, Express, Handelbars.js & ReactJS.

Cyber Security Career track *** From Springboard on 05/2021 to 06/2022

Springboard's Cyber Security Career track is A 380+ hour online cybersecurity course that covers threat modeling, host-based security, network security, identity and access management, application security, network scanning, packet capture analysis, and vulnerability assessment. Includes the use of tools such as Wireshark, Splunk, Kali Linux, and Nmap. Mary Allen participated in weekly live 1:1 mentoring sessions with an industryexperienced cybersecurity professional, and successfully completed a final capstone project, "Penetration Assessment and Remediation Plan" that was reviewed by an independent industry expert.

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